16 Nov

Leaking Hydraulic Hoses

There are many reasons why you may be experiencing a leaking hydraulic hose. In this post we’re going to cover the process of how to identify it so that you can then replace it in order to continue working with your equipment. 

Before we get started, it’s important to know that in these modern times, hydraulics are used to power an incredible number of industrial machinery. From car brakes to subsea pumping stations, the hydraulic and its hose provide a powerful link between industrial output and activity and power.

However, after extended use, the hydraulic hose can be put under stress or even environmental conditions that are not conducive to it having a long life span. Failures can occur that will bring any output to a grinding halt. However, keeping an eye on the condition of hydraulic hoses can be just as challenging as fixing them.

Let’s identify what the problem is with the hydraulic hose

First off, you’ll need to gather some tools. You’ll need a spanner that is the same size as the nuts on your machinery. A pair of goggles, a pair of heat resistant gloves, lubricant and some hydraulic caps: With that, you’re ready to discover what’s holding up your output.

The first task on your hands is to discover where the leak is. This could be very tricky. Many hydraulic hoses are hidden and buried inside machines. Others are located in very tight spaces, or placed close to awkward corners. They can also cross paths, leaving you confused about where they are coming from. The most sensible start in your quest to locate the leak is to dry the machine where the leak is coming from. Then you can put on your safety goggles before pressurising the system to gain an understanding of where the fluid is leaking.

Depressurize the system

Once you have established where the leak is coming from, it’s time to depressurize the machine. You will need to turn off anything in the engine that may move the fluid in the pipes, in addition to discharging the pumps.

Once you have depressurized and confirmed which hose and where the failure has occurred, it’s time to remove it. Start by taking off any hose clamps or any custom fittings and remove the hose. Fit the hydraulic cap into place quickly to prevent any leakage. Do the same at the other end of the hose, and then get ready to add the new one. You’ll need to check it’s in good condition and clean. Blast some compressed air over it, and then attach and pressurize again. You should now have got rid of your leak.